The Tree in Me | 誠品線上

The Tree in Me

作者 Corinna Luyken
商品描述 The Tree in Me:我的心,滋養著一棵樹我的心,滋養著一棵樹。如樹一般,有時我能變出多汁的蘋果,有時迸出杏仁李子橘子…多果綜合。有時我很陽光,有時需要一點樹蔭舒緩自


內容簡介 我的心,滋養著一棵樹 我的心,滋養著一棵樹。如樹一般,有時我能變出多汁的蘋果,有時迸出杏仁李子橘子…多果綜合。有時我很陽光,有時需要一點樹蔭舒緩自己。我的心,有一顆種子,它發芽茁壯,長出厚實的樹幹和樹皮,也向兩旁延伸厚枝,歡迎近悅遠來,駐足賞玩;我的心,滋養著一棵樹,所以有時這裡有點風,有點雨,有點泥土,有點天空—我是大地的一份子。這顆樹很強壯,但它韌中帶軟,它會彎腰, 設身處地與你相同視角。我心底的這棵樹,不斷向下又向旁扎根,扎啊長啊,和另一顆樹的根產生連結,我知道,我們共同向著天空。我的心,不只滋養著一棵樹,還有一些陽光,一片天空,所以,我看見,你的心裡,也住著一棵像我一樣的樹。 作者以樹比喻人。每個人就像一棵樹,會扎根、成長,也會結果。有時很剛壯,有時很柔軟。有時很嚴謹,有時很無厘頭。隨著歲月的磨練和經驗成長,和不同的人交集互動,共同走向陽光。 A stunning and sensitive portrait of the strength within each of us and the nourishment we receive from the natural world, by the creator of the acclaimed My Heart and The Book of Mistakes Through poetic text and exquisite illustrations of children reveling in nature, this picture book explores the various ways we as human beings are strong, creative, and connected to others. Each of us is like a tree, with roots and fruit, and an enduring link to everything else in nature. The tree in me is strong. It bends in the wind, and has roots that go deep . . . to where other roots reach up toward their own trunk-branch-crown and sky. As Corinna Luyken did in her award-winning My Heart, she again provides an invigorating conversation-starter that contains a world of truths--about self-esteem, community, and living a meaningful life.


作者介紹 Corinna Luyken grew up in different cities along the West Coast, and after studying at Middlebury College, she settled in Washington State, where she draws inspiration from nature, her family, and the human form. She is the author and or illustrator of several acclaimed picture books, including The Book of Mistakes and My Heart.


書名 / The Tree in Me
作者 / Corinna Luyken
簡介 / The Tree in Me:我的心,滋養著一棵樹我的心,滋養著一棵樹。如樹一般,有時我能變出多汁的蘋果,有時迸出杏仁李子橘子…多果綜合。有時我很陽光,有時需要一點樹蔭舒緩自
ISBN13 / 9780593112595
ISBN10 / 0593112598
EAN / 9780593112595
誠品26碼 / 2681965860007
頁數 / 56
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27.3X21.4X1CM
級別 / N:無
